
Affordable Health Insurance for Children Only in Indiana

You can buy child only health insurance in Indiana in every county of the state. While some health insurance companies exited the ACA Marketplace last year, others expanded their coverage to additional areas. Your options for Indiana children include Marketplace, non-Obamacare, and public health plans. Learn more about the children’s health insurance landscape for Indiana in order to make sure that kids get covered.

Do you just want to compare Indiana children’s health insurance quotes? You can start looking for Indiana health insurance for children or adults with our rapid, free quotes tool. We can help find the right health coverage for your child.

Best Health Insurance for Children Only in Indiana

These are some quick facts about child only health insurance in Indiana, according to Georgetown Universityresearch:

These are the largest Indiana cities by population:

Children’s Health Insurance Program in Indiana (CHIP Coverage)

While Medicaid and CHIP do provide coverage for about one-third of Indiana children, these public health plans aren’t the best choice for everybody. For instance, both Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program have income qualifications, and your family may not qualify. Also, these children’s health plans are typically restrictive HMOs.

An HMO generally only covers healthcare services from in-network doctors unless it is an emergency service. Some families may find that a PPO or another kind of health insurance works better for their needs, particularly for children who have to manage medical conditions.

You may find coverage that offers you more options if you buy child only health insurance in Indiana from a private company. You can buy ACA or non-ACA health care plans from insurance agents or companies, so you might choose to speak with a handful of agents to learn more about your options.

Who Needs Child Only Health Insurance in Indiana?

In many cases, children simply get covered by a parent’s health insurance plan as a dependent. ACA-qualified plans have to offer essential health benefits. Children also get some extra mandated services, like pediatric dental care and required childhood immunizations. Good medical plans ensure that children get the services that they need like well check-ups and routine checkups. Children also may need immunizations and other essential care to attend school.

However, getting covered by a parent’s health insurance may not work if children live with grandparents or the parent who has to provide medical coverage lives in another coverage are from the child. For instance, about 56,000 Indiana grandparents are the primary caregivers for their grandchildren. While some group or Marketplace plans may allow grandparents to extend their coverage to these dependence, many grandparents are already old enough for Medicare, and Medicare won’t cover children.

How Much Is Health Insurance for Children Only in Indiana

The good news is that covering children is usually relatively cheap when compared to premiums for covering adults. Insurance companies can only set premiums because of the child’s age, so younger people are generally cheaper to cover than older people. The Department of Health and Human Services reported that Indiana also stands out as one of two states where benchmark premiums actually decreased in 2017 from 2016, which may be good news for the budgets of insurance consumers.

Insurers will allow one or multiple children to enroll in the same family plan, even if there is no adult on the health insurance. The adult who pays the premiums and manages the child’s health care does not have to be a plan member. If a custodial parent managed healthcare for child only health insurance in Indiana, the other parent can still pay premiums and other out-of-pocket expenses.

The easiest way to compare multiple options for child only health insurance in Indiana is through our online quote forms. You can find insurers with ACA- and non-ACA options. You can also find health insurance for adults and seniors. We hope to help many Indiana families and individuals access affordable, quality, and convenient medical care.